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Birth Injuries vs. Birth Defects: What is the Difference?

Having a baby should be the most joyous time in a parent’s life. However, when a child is born with an injury, it can turn a celebratory moment into one of high stress and anxiety. New parents often wonder if they can blame someone when their child is injured when… Continue reading Birth Injuries vs. Birth Defects: What is the Difference?

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Common Crosswalk Injuries in Florida

Florida is a beautiful state to get out, walk around, and enjoy the sunshine. Unfortunately, it is not always safe for walkers to do so. According to one study which broke down the 20 most dangerous states for pedestrians, Florida ranked first, making the Sunshine State the most hazardous for… Continue reading Common Crosswalk Injuries in Florida

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Amputations and Phantom Pain 

An amputation is one of the most traumatic injuries that a person can sustain. Unfortunately, a person’s pain and suffering doesn’t necessarily end after receiving treatment. The reality is that many amputees suffer from crippling phantom pains for years to come.  It is possible for accident victims to recover compensation… Continue reading Amputations and Phantom Pain 

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The Importance of Monitoring Fetal Heart Rate During Labor

Even the most skilled and experienced medical professionals can’t predict every problem that may occur during childbirth. There are, however, certain precautions that every doctor, midwife, or nurse should take when a patient is in labor, including monitoring a child’s heart rate. Failing to do so can have devastating consequences,… Continue reading The Importance of Monitoring Fetal Heart Rate During Labor

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When a Crime Victim Can File a Civil Action Against a Property Owner

Under Florida’s premises liability law, anyone who is invited onto someone else’s property has the right to recover damages for any injuries sustained on those premises. This even applies to criminal assaults that occur on the property and result in an injury to the visitor or guest. These types of… Continue reading When a Crime Victim Can File a Civil Action Against a Property Owner

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What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Caput Succedaneum?

There are a lot of different things that can cause a baby to suffer an injury during labor or delivery. Often, these conditions or injuries are beyond the control of the physician in charge. Others, however, are devastatingly the result of medical negligence or wrongdoing on the part of a… Continue reading What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Caput Succedaneum?

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Did You Sustain an Accident-Related Skull Fracture?

Of the many types of injuries that a person can sustain in an accident, head injuries are some of the worst. Skull fractures, in particular, should be taken especially seriously, as they can lead to permanent damage if treatment isn’t sought immediately. While those who sustain skull fractures and similar… Continue reading Did You Sustain an Accident-Related Skull Fracture?

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Seeking Compensation for an Accident-Related Brain Contusion

Suffering a blunt force impact to the head can result in a wide range of injuries, many of which fall under the broad category of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). One specific type of brain injury often encountered by accident victims is a brain contusion, which results in swelling and… Continue reading Seeking Compensation for an Accident-Related Brain Contusion

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