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Can You Sue for a Fatal Allergic Reaction?

men carrying a casket

Fatal allergic reactions, also known as anaphylaxis, occur when a person’s immune system overreacts to an allergen, leading to severe and often life-threatening symptoms. These reactions can escalate quickly, sometimes within minutes, making immediate medical attention critical. In Florida, the prevalence of fatal allergic reactions is notable due to the state’s unique environmental and demographic factors.

Tragically, when these reactions prove fatal, the families left behind are not only faced with profound grief but may also have legal rights to seek justice. In some cases, families may be able to pursue legal action against responsible parties through a wrongful death claim, ensuring that those accountable are held liable for their actions.

Common Causes of Fatal Allergic Reactions in Florida

Food Allergens

The state’s diverse culinary offerings also introduce a variety of allergens that can be unfamiliar to tourists and residents alike.

  1. Seafood: Given Florida’s coastal location, seafood is a common part of the diet, but it is also a leading cause of food-related allergic reactions. Shellfish, such as shrimp, crab, and lobster, are particularly known for triggering severe responses.
  2. Peanuts and Tree Nuts: These are among the most common food allergens and can cause rapid and severe reactions in individuals with allergies.
  3. Dairy and Eggs: Allergies to dairy and eggs, while more common in children, can also lead to serious reactions, especially if not promptly recognized and treated.

Insect Stings

Florida’s consistently warm climate creates an environment where insect populations thrive year-round. We have a high population of fire ants, whose stings can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in those who are hypersensitive to their venom. The same reaction can be caused by the stings of wasps, hornets, and bees.  

Environmental Allergens

In addition to insect stings, Florida’s abundance of outdoor recreational activities, exposes individuals to various allergens, including pollen and plants. 


Certain medications, including antibiotics, aspirin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are known to cause severe allergic reactions. Patients may not always be aware of their allergies, making this a significant risk factor. 

Legal Responsibilities in Cases of Anaphylaxis

When someone suffers a severe allergic reaction that leads to death, there are often multiple entities that could be held accountable under Florida law.

Food Service Providers:
In Florida, restaurants and food service providers have a significant responsibility to protect their patrons from exposure to allergens. This includes accurately labeling menu items, clearly identifying common allergens and training staff to manage allergy-related requests. If a restaurant fails to prevent cross-contamination or does not take proper precautions to accommodate a known allergy, it can be held liable for any resulting harm.

Schools and Daycare Centers:
Educational institutions, including schools and daycare centers, are responsible for safeguarding children with known allergies. Florida law requires these institutions to have protocols in place to manage allergies, such as ensuring that staff are trained to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction and administer emergency treatment, like an EpiPen, when necessary.

Employers also have a duty to ensure a safe working environment, especially for employees with known allergies. This might involve removing certain allergens from the workplace or providing alternative options. For example, an employer who knows an employee has a severe latex allergy should ensure that non-latex gloves are available. If an employer fails to make reasonable accommodations and an employee suffers a fatal reaction, the employer could be liable under workplace safety laws.

Healthcare Providers:
Healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, have a critical role in preventing fatal allergic reactions. They must be vigilant in identifying potential allergens, especially when prescribing medications or performing procedures. Failure to recognize an allergy, improper administration of medication, or a delayed response to an allergic reaction can lead to catastrophic results. In such cases, with the help of a wrongful death attorney healthcare providers may be sued if their negligence directly contributes to a patient’s death.

Product Manufacturers:
Manufacturers of food products, medications, and consumer goods must ensure that their products are clearly labeled with any potential allergens. If a product contains an allergen that is not adequately disclosed, and a consumer suffers a fatal allergic reaction as a result, the manufacturer can be held liable with the help of a wrongful death lawyer. 

Florida Laws Relevant to Allergic Reaction Cases

Several key Florida laws impact how allergic reaction cases are handled, particularly in wrongful death claims.

  • Restaurants: This law requires Florida restaurants to clearly label menu items with common allergens and ensure staff are trained to prevent cross-contamination. This law is particularly important in wrongful death cases where a failure to comply with these regulations may have contributed to a fatal allergic reaction.
  • Schools: Florida mandates that schools must have epinephrine auto-injectors available and staff trained to use them. These laws are critical in protecting children with severe allergies and can be a focal point in legal cases where a school’s failure to adhere to these policies results in a student’s death.
  • Products: Strict labeling requirements ensure that food manufacturers disclose allergens. When manufacturers fail to comply with these labeling laws, they can be held legally responsible for any resulting allergic reactions.
  • Medical Malpractice Laws: These laws govern cases where a fatal allergic reaction occurs due to medical negligence, such as misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. These laws set the standards for proving medical negligence, establishing the duty of care that healthcare providers owe to their patients, and the consequences of failing to meet that duty.

These laws help establish accountability and provide a pathway for families to seek justice with the assistance of wrongful death attorneys.

Take the First Step Toward Justice Today

If you’ve lost a loved one due to a fatal allergic reaction in Miami, Florida, at Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP, our experienced wrongful death lawyers are here to help you seek justice and hold those responsible accountable. We offer a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options. Plus, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless we win your case. Contact us today at 305-371-2692 to schedule your consultation.