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Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP

Major Product Liability Cases in the U.S.

Manufacturers have a duty to sell products that are safe and free of defects. When defective products are sold to the public, and consumers are injured by these defects, the manufacturer could be held liable for the injuries. As a result, the manufacturer must, under the legal system, compensate the… Continue reading Major Product Liability Cases in the U.S.

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The Undertaker’s Doctrine: Over-Serving Alcohol in Miami

Many people have gone out and partied and drank too much. Sometimes these intoxicated people make the decision to drive and cause car accidents. These crashes often result in serious injuries and even death. Are bartenders and alcohol servers partially responsible for these unfortunate accidents? Do they have a responsibility… Continue reading The Undertaker’s Doctrine: Over-Serving Alcohol in Miami

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Truck Driver Tiredness and Fatigue in Commercial Trucking Accidents

We often underestimate the effects of tiredness. After a full day of work, we often keep going by cooking dinner, taking kids to sports activities, checking emails and watching TV. We may then get five or six hours of sleep and repeat the same schedule the next day. Too much… Continue reading Truck Driver Tiredness and Fatigue in Commercial Trucking Accidents

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Spectranetics Bridge Occlusion Balloon Catheter Recalled

Many Florida residents suffer from heart problems, and as a result, they may require a pacemaker. Pacemakers have leads, which are special wires that attach to the heart muscle and deliver energy.  Sometimes one or more of these leads may need to be removed due to a fracture, scar tissue,… Continue reading Spectranetics Bridge Occlusion Balloon Catheter Recalled

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