Congratulations Anna Durzynski!
Now in its 5th year, the Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein Legal Scholarship is awarded annually to an incoming or continuing law student to help with tuition costs. Each year we look forward to receiving applications and essays each from law students across the U.S. who represent the top of their class.
After carefully reviewing hundreds of submissions, we have selected Anna Durzynski as this year’s scholarship recipient. Anna will be starting Florida International University College of Law in the Fall.
Congratulations Anna!
Read her Scholarship Essay below:
“As any new incoming law school student, my ambitions are high, and my hopes are big. I have a lot of goals set up for myself as a future lawyer. I want to make a difference in other people’s lives. I know that not everyone will have the opportunity to make significant changes
that will affect the entire world. Still, the small changes we can make within our communities are just as meaningful and valuable.
One of my law field interests is probate law. Last summer, my boyfriends’ dad passed away unexpectedly due to Covid-19. It was an incredibly upsetting and challenging time that we had to go through together. That was the first time when I personally had to deal with financial and legal matters after someone’s death. It was also the first time I came into contact with a probate lawyer. The lady that dealt with our case was incredibly kind and knowledgeable. In these very uncertain times, she gave us the peace of mind that we so much needed. She helped us organize everything and deal with any problems we encountered. I hope to one day become a lawyer who becomes someone to lean on and depend on in times of the most considerable hardship and struggle. I want to earn my future clients’ trust to handle their matters in the best way possible, easing their pain, at least in some small way.
The other law field I am interested in is immigration law. I live in Florida, where approximately ¼ of the population is Hispanic. I have many DACA recipients’ friends and have heard stories of their families struggles. They need help bringing their families together and
legalizing their status in this country. Additionally, although I was born in the United States, I was raised in Poland for fifteen years, so I also consider myself an immigrant. This country is so special and great because of the immigrants that make it unique. We all bring our own stories, customs, and traditions and share them with each other. All of this is part of the reason why I am interested in becoming an immigration lawyer. I want to help our communities grow and families
to reunite.
No matter what type of law I decide to pursue, I want to help people around me and provide them with the support, knowledge, and kindness they deserve. I want to help less fortunate people who cannot afford legal help. My goal is to devote time each month for at least one pro bono case in which I will be able to provide legal services to those most in need. Additionally, I want to support DACA recipients’ efforts to become legal U.S. citizens. I know that using my skills as a lawyer will be most appreciated by those in the most significant need.”