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wrongful death

Wrong Way Morning Crash on I-95 in Miami-Dade Kills One, Sends Worker to Hospital

Those who drive on the roadways have a duty to drive in a safe manner. This means they must follow all traffic laws and signs and look out for others. This includes traveling below the speed limit, yielding to pedestrians, stopping at stop signs and, of course, driving in the… Continue reading Wrong Way Morning Crash on I-95 in Miami-Dade Kills One, Sends Worker to Hospital

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Determining Fault in Infant Wrongful Death

Parents are often ecstatic during the births of their babies. However, not every birth is a joyous event. While infant deaths are rare, they do happen from time to time. They are primarily caused by a birth injury or medical mistake. Wrongful death cases involving infants are usually preventable, which… Continue reading Determining Fault in Infant Wrongful Death

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Florida Jury Awards DDRB Client $4 Million in Tobacco Case

When a person dies from a smoking-related disease such as lung cancer, is it possible that a tobacco company be held liable? The answer is yes, as a Florida jury recently agreed that a cigarette addiction caused David Freeman’s lung cancer, and eventual death. Cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris USA Inc.… Continue reading Florida Jury Awards DDRB Client $4 Million in Tobacco Case

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History of Marketing Opioid Drugs to Doctors is Changing

Many of us experience chronic pain, whether it be from an illness, injury or serious medical condition. Over-the-counter medications don’t always work or last as long as they should. As a result, many seek prescription medications from their doctors. Doctors try to find the right medication that will provide a… Continue reading History of Marketing Opioid Drugs to Doctors is Changing

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The Undertaker’s Doctrine: Over-Serving Alcohol in Miami

Many people have gone out and partied and drank too much. Sometimes these intoxicated people make the decision to drive and cause car accidents. These crashes often result in serious injuries and even death. Are bartenders and alcohol servers partially responsible for these unfortunate accidents? Do they have a responsibility… Continue reading The Undertaker’s Doctrine: Over-Serving Alcohol in Miami

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Manslaughter vs. Murder: What You Should Know

You may have heard the terms “manslaughter” and “murder” used in criminal cases, but what exactly do they mean, and how do they differ? Both involve someone causing the death of another person, but each has different circumstances involved. In both cases, though, the victim’s death can bring about a… Continue reading Manslaughter vs. Murder: What You Should Know

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