When people drop off a loved one at a nursing home, they do so with the expectation that their loved one will receive expert care. Unfortunately, the reality at many facilities is far different. Instead of being lovingly cared for, many residents are ignored, often because of inadequate staffing.
At Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, we represent family members who have had a loved one die in a nursing home. Reach out to us today to discuss your case.
Sepsis is a Huge Problem
Sepsis is an illness caused by your body’s response to an infection. The chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection instead cause inflammation, which can lead to fever, troubled breathing, and ultimately shock.
There are many ways that a loved one can become infected, but bedsores are a common cause. Bed sores develop when residents are not turned every two hours. When they lie too long in one position, bedsores can develop which might become infected.
The problem is serious. Investigations have revealed that around 25,000 nursing home residents suffer from sepsis every year. Medicare must pay out over $2 billion annually to treat infections, based on an analysis of medical billing from 2012 to 2016.
Infection control is another area where assisted living facilities have fallen short. It is one of the most common citations nursing homes receive. Also, nursing home staff must respond quickly to the first signs of infection—such as an elevated heart rate or fever. If they don’t, then the infection can develop into sepsis.
Protecting Your Loved Ones
When visiting a loved one in a nursing home, ask the staff if any bedsores or other conditions have developed since you last visited. If they have, ask to see the bedsore and try to identify when the staff first noticed it.
It is also important to speak with management. Bedsores are easy to prevent, and you need to give notice that you are aware of the problem. Once a bedsore develops, infection is a real possibility, and medical problems could snowball.
Wrongful Death
If you lose a loved one, no lawsuit will ever bring them back. However, suing for wrongful death is a way to hold institutions accountable. In Florida, surviving family members can sue when someone dies due to the neglect of another person or institution.
Contact us today. In your time of grief, you need trusted legal guidance, and we have represented families in wrongful death lawsuits for several decades. Call 305-371-2692 to schedule your free consultation.