Clermont Truck Accident Lawyer
Serving All Clermont Residents
Were You Involved in a Truck Accident in Clermont? Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation
Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP, helps injured accident victims receive compensation after suffering injuries in motor vehicle collisions. We have built a reputation for providing tough advocacy to those hurt in truck collisions, including accidents with 18-wheelers and other vehicles. Call to speak with a Clermont truck accident lawyer about what steps to take to secure your legal rights. Our consultations are free and without any obligation.
Hurt in a Wreck?
If so, please call our office to speak with a member of our team. We have fought against negligent trucking companies and other defendants for more than 30 years.
Every trucking company should have a liability policy to pay damages to victims injured by their truckers. But these large companies often fight off claims, using some underhanded tactics in the process.
Our firm can:
- Review the circumstances surrounding your accident and advise you about what steps to take.
- Gather evidence to bolster your claim.
- Negotiate with the trucking company or another defendant for meaningful compensation.
- Do whatever it takes to win the compensation you deserve.
Why Should You Hire Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP, for Your Clermont Truck Accident?
We have won more than $1 billion in compensation for injured victims:
- Thousands of satisfied clients
- No upfront fees
- Truck accident experience
- Civil trial advocacy
- Powerful and effective negotiators
Trucking companies know that our firm means business when we show up to represent a client. Our lawyers have won some of the most prestigious awards and honors in the business, including membership in the American Board of Trial Advocates.
We Demand Fair Treatment & Compensation for Our Clients
Truck accidents are disruptive events. Very few people can simply go on their way without repercussions. A heavy commercial vehicle can destroy a smaller vehicle. Even at low speeds, most sedans and light pickup trucks will suffer devastating damage.
Occupants inside can also end up in the emergency room with horrifying injuries:
- Concussions and traumatic brain injuries;
- Incapacity;
- Cervical fractures;
- Whiplash;
- Chest injuries;
- Spinal column injuries;
- Amputation and crush injuries;
- Complex regional pain syndrome;
- Facial injuries;
- Paralysis.
Our Clermont truck accident lawyers will make sure that the other side plays fair. They often drag their feet or offer tiny settlements to victims with serious injuries. We know how to assign a dollar value to even the most complex injuries. And then we fight to get the maximum compensation allowed under Florida law.
What Causes Clermont Truck Accidents?
Semis and other large trucks shouldn’t crash. When they do, it’s up to an experienced attorney to review the reasons why. We also need to assign fault so that our clients can receive compensation. No fault, no compensation—it’s really that simple. We must gather sufficient evidence to lay blame at the feet of a business or individual.
Here are common accidents and their causes:
- Head-on collisions. These accidents are deadly. Typically, a trucker will drift into oncoming traffic due to fatigue or distraction. They might also lose control because of a defect on the truck, like a suddenly blown tire. Our head-on truck collision lawyer can investigate further.
- Rollovers. A truck can lose its balance and roll onto its side in certain situations. For example, the truck might be overloaded on one side, or the cargo shifts around because it was not properly secured before the trip began. Our overloaded truck accident lawyer can investigate to see why the truck suddenly rolled onto its side and onto other vehicles.
- Underride accidents. This is a common accident involving tractor-trailers. A smaller vehicle can slip under the side or back of a trailer. There should be guards on the back, but they might be missing or defective. An underride truck accident attorney with DDRB can inspect the truck and analyze other evidence to assign fault.
- Overrides. Often, an override is the fault of a trucker who is following too closely or speeding. The trucker cannot stop in time and rolls onto the smaller vehicle, crushing those inside. Our Clermont truck accident attorney can investigate these grisly accidents. A negligent trucker could be to blame, but the government might also share accountability for failing to construct a work zone properly.
- Jackknifes. Tractor-trailers can fold in on themselves like Swiss Army knives. The trailer might slam into nearby vehicles and run over them. Let our jackknife truck accident lawyer in Clermont review the facts.
These are some common accidents and their causes. If you were hurt, reach out to DDRB. Our legal team can get to work securing useful evidence and demanding to inspect the vehicles involved.
Is the Truck Driver Always at Fault for a Crash?
Fault matters for a Clermont truck accident. Our lawyers always survey the entire range of evidence to reconstruct what happened. Then we can pin the blame on the at-fault party.
Often, a truck driver is at fault for:
- Driving too fast for conditions;
- Distraction or failure to maintain a visual lookout
- Failure to perform a pre-trip or post-trip inspection
- Tailgating;
- Illegal lane changes.
However, in other cases, another party could share fault. For example, under Florida law, an employer is “vicariously liable” when their employee hurts someone while working. That means we can sue the employer whenever their employee negligently hurts someone on the job.
In other cases, the trucking company could be independently liable for negligent hiring, training, or supervision. Still other accidents are the fault of a mechanic for not performing adequate repairs on the truck, causing it to spin out of control.
Were You Struck by a Delivery Truck?
Delivery trucks crisscross Clermont at all hours of the day. These trucks are often shaped like a box and are difficult to navigate around tight corners. Also called a “box truck,” these vehicles can clip or strike pedestrians and other motorists who are in a blind spot or can’t get out of the way as the truck makes a turn.
Some of the most popular delivery companies use box trucks, including UPS, FedEx, and DHL. The U.S. Postal Service also has many of these trucks on the road.
Call our office to speak with a delivery truck accident attorney if you or a loved one was injured. These large companies do not willingly offer fair settlements. Your attorney will need to investigate and negotiate for a settlement.
Trucking Industry Regulations
The trucking industry is a vital cog in the nation’s economy. Florida is a common destination for many trucks, delivering food and consumer goods to our residents. Trucks pull in and out of Clermont every hour of the day.
Because the industry is so important—and because trucks are so heavy—there are multiple, overlapping regulations. Any truck in interstate commerce is subject to regulations from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which is part of the Department of Transportation.
Some important regulations include:
- Hours of service. The FMCSA sets the maximum number of hours a trucker can work and haul in a day and workweek. These rules are designed to reduce the risks of driver fatigue, which can lead to preventable accidents. Our fatigued truck driver accident lawyer knows the rules inside and out and can gather evidence to show whether the trucker violated them.
- Mandatory physical exam. A trucker must pass a physical exam before working, and they need a new exam every two years. Some companies cut corners, however, due to a shortage of truck drivers. But someone with sleep apnea or another medical condition can crash when they have a medical emergency inside the cab. Our trucking company negligence attorney will review whether the trucking company ticked all the necessary boxes before hiring the trucker involved in your crash.
- Drug testing. Trucking companies must regularly test their truckers and suspend them if they fail. They should perform a test before hiring and after most accidents. They also need to periodically drug test their employees.
Hire a law firm with deep experience in all state and federal regulations. Any violation of a regulation is strong evidence that the defendant was liable for your collision.
Florida’s Statute of Limitations for Truck Accidents
Florida Statute § 95.11 lays out the statute of limitations. This law prohibits filing a lawsuit after a certain amount of time has passed.
Currently, the deadline is two years from the day you were hurt, which is usually the day of the accident. Someone hurt in an override accident on February 1, 2025 has until February 1, 2027 to file a lawsuit.
Florida previously gave victims 4 years to file. If your accident happened before March 24, 2023, then you still might have four years. That’s the day the new law went into effect.
Do not delay calling a Clermont truck accident lawyer. It is critical not to miss the deadline that applies to your accident. Should you run past it, even by accident, then the defendant can have your case dismissed from court. Few victims receive fair compensation when that happens.
Time is not a luxury. Get the legal help you need right away by contacting Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein, LLP.
Compensatory Damages for a Truck Accident
An important consideration is the value of your claim. A personal injury lawsuit seeks compensatory damages for all the losses which flow from the accident.
Here are some of the most common:
- Car repairs. A heavy truck can smash a smaller, lighter vehicle and require thousands of dollars in repairs. Your car might even be totaled, so you need to buy a different one.
- Other damaged property. Your laptop could be smashed in the wreck, or a pet was killed. We demand compensation for all property damaged in a truck accident.
- Past and future medical expenses. Your injuries will require expensive medical treatment from a hospital emergency room or doctor. Many of our clients need surgery and several days in the hospital to recover. Future expenses often include ongoing physical therapy to help a victim walk again.
- Past and future lost wages or income. This is another type of economic loss. Concussions, fractures, and back injuries are so painful that many of our clients need to miss some work. Unfortunately, they lose out on income in the process. The defendant should pay to cover lost income or wages.
- Out-of-pocket expenses. You might need to rent a car while yours is in the body shop, or you have other expenses, like a hotel room if you need to travel for medical care. We request compensation for any out-of-pocket expense related to your accident.
You should also receive money for bodily pain, suffering, mental anguish, depression, loss of consortium, and other general damages. These damages are more complicated to estimate.
If a loved one died, our fatal truck accident lawyer might file a wrongful death lawsuit on your behalf. Reach out to DDRB to schedule a consultation with our experienced truck accident attorneys.
Are You Eligible for Punitive Damages?
We might demand punitive damages when the defendant’s behavior was especially grave. In Florida, we can request punitive damages if the defendant engaged in intentional misconduct or gross negligence. A defendant is grossly negligent when reckless or when they show a conscious indifference for the safety of other people.
Some examples include:
- Intentionally striking you or backing over you with the truck;
- Driving into a crowd of people;
- Driving while intoxicated or drunk;
- Knowingly putting a dangerous truck out on the road.
We must have clear and convincing evidence of the defendant’s bad behavior. If we do, then we can demand punitive damages on top of compensatory damages discussed above. These punitive damages will deter the defendant and others like them from engaging in this type of blameworthy conduct.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Firm
Anyone hurt in a collision with a large truck should call DDRB to schedule their free consultation today. We believe in empowering accident victims and their families to choose the right path when seeking justice and accountability. Our firm has successfully negotiated settlements with trucking companies and their insurers over the past 30 years, but we can also file a lawsuit where appropriate. Contact us today to learn more.
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– Allan P.
Have had and currently have many cases shared with this firm as a plaintiffs’ attorney and find them to have the highest legal and ethical competence in their field of practice.