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New App May Actually Curb Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, which causes thousands of deaths a year, is a definite public safety hazard. The main culprits seem to be the ever-increasing number of gadgets that people having, principally their cell phone or smart phone. However, technology might also be coming to the rescue, promising to make our roads… Continue reading New App May Actually Curb Distracted Driving

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Truck Driver in Fatal Accident Had Multiple Tickets

A devastating truck accident in early January has raised concerns about the driving skills of commercial truck drivers. The accident killed the driver, another trucker, and five children in a fiery crash that took place on Interstate 75 near Gainesville. According to media reports, 59-year-old Steve Holland veered into a… Continue reading Truck Driver in Fatal Accident Had Multiple Tickets

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What is the Law for a DUI Manslaughter Case in Florida?

Even though Florida takes drunk driving very seriously, horrible accidents continue to occur on our state’s roads, and far too many people die. According to state statistics, Florida saw 5,223 alcohol-confirmed crashes in 2016, with 417 crashes resulting in at least one fatality. There were also 291 drug-confirmed crashes with… Continue reading What is the Law for a DUI Manslaughter Case in Florida?

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How Can I Overcome a Serious Motorcycle Accident?

Riding a motorcycle is a great hobby in Florida. In fact, we are on the most popular destinations for bikers. Unfortunately, riding on a bike is also a dangerous hobby, since motorcyclists are completely exposed to the road and other vehicles. After a crash, you might suffer terrible physical and… Continue reading How Can I Overcome a Serious Motorcycle Accident?

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Are Football and other High-Impact Sports Safe for My Child?

All high-impact sports carry risks, so the answer to this question is somewhat complicated. Sports like football are incredibly popular. According to one study, 1.5 million children play football. Before deciding whether your child should play a particular sport, you should do as much research as you can. Understanding the… Continue reading Are Football and other High-Impact Sports Safe for My Child?

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Safety Responsibilities Construction Companies Have for their Employees

Questions about construction safety have once more been raised after a construction manager was injured during the recent demolition of a condo in Miami Beach. According to the Tampa Bay Times, 46-year-old Samuel Landis was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital after being struck by debris during the demolition. He is… Continue reading Safety Responsibilities Construction Companies Have for their Employees

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What to Do When Your Uber or Lyft Driver Gets in an Accident

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft continue to increase in popularity. With their competitive prices and convenience, they are rapidly replacing taxi cabs in South Florida. However, Uber and Lyft drivers continue to get in accidents, and passengers can easily be injured. If your driver gets involved in a collision,… Continue reading What to Do When Your Uber or Lyft Driver Gets in an Accident

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Miami-Dade County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

In general, automobiles continue to get safer. But there are still thousands of car accidents each year in Florida. In fact, there are in excess of 60,000 motor vehicle crashes annually in Miami-Dade County, based on the most recent statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.… Continue reading Miami-Dade County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

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Truck Driver Tiredness and Fatigue in Commercial Trucking Accidents

We often underestimate the effects of tiredness. After a full day of work, we often keep going by cooking dinner, taking kids to sports activities, checking emails and watching TV. We may then get five or six hours of sleep and repeat the same schedule the next day. Too much… Continue reading Truck Driver Tiredness and Fatigue in Commercial Trucking Accidents

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